Asset Department Owners
Settings | Notification Server | Resource and Data Class Settings | Resource Associations | CMDB Assocation Types | Asset Department Owner
GUID | 1466e770-4413-4517-a89d-6599b8a7f144 |
From Type | Asset |
To Type | Department |
Settings | Notification Server | Resource and Data Class Settings | Resource Types | Asset Types | Generic Asset Types | Asset
Settings | Notification Server | Resource and Data Class Settings | Resource Types | Organizational Types | Department
If you go to a Computer in
Home | Service and Asset Management | Manage Configuration Items
CI Management | Computers and Peripherals |
Scroll down to near the bottom there is a section for
Asset Owners
This allows you to edit which Owner you wish to have against the Asset.
This can either be
- User
- Department
If you then need this information in a Report you can use the following SQL.
DECLARE @DepartmentGuid AS UniqueIdentifier = NULL
a.[Guid] AS [AssetGuid]
,a.[Name] AS [AssetName]
--,rt.[Name] AS [AssetType]
,d.[_ResourceGuid] AS [DepartmentGuid]
,d.[Name] AS [DepartmentName]
FROM vRM_Asset_Item a
INNER JOIN ResourceAssociation ra
ON a.Guid = ra.ParentResourceGuid AND ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '1466e770-4413-4517-a89d-6599b8a7f144'
INNER JOIN vDepartment d
ON ra.ChildResourceGuid = d._ResourceGuid
--INNER JOIN ResourceType rt
-- ON rt.Guid = a.ResourceTypeGuid
(@DepartmentGuid IS NULL)
OR (@DepartmentGuid IS NOT NULL AND d._ResourceGuid = @DepartmentGuid)