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DLP 15.5 upgrade from 15.1


                                                                                   DLP 15.5 upgrade from 15.1


The purpose of this document is to give a brief walkthrough on upgrading DLP 15.1 to 15.5. The upgrade guide provided by Symantec gives a bigger overview however there are some mistakes in the guide and its about 100 pages long. This guide gives a quick and simple upgrade route which if followed correctly should take roughly 30 minutes to complete, depending on the spec of your system.

The guide only refers to a single tier environment, however the steps to upgrade a multi-tier are pretty much the same apart from where you run your SQL commands.

In the document I refer to the install path using "Symantec\datalossprevention\Enforce Server\15.5\ your install destination mmay be different, which is why " has been used.


           1. Install ServerJRE.msi 

             2. Install singletierserver.msi or enforce.msi (Depending on what your current environment is) to c:



            3. Extract upgrade readiness tool to "Symantec\datalossprevention\Enforce Server\15.5\protect\migrator\URT

             4. Open CMD as administrator and navigate to "Symantec\datalossprevention\Enforce Server\15.5\protect\migrator\URT\script

             5. Run slqplus /nolog and enter the following command @oracle_create_user.sql


             6. Once the following command has been completed log into slqplus /nolog as sys as sysdba and enter password when prompted.

           7. Run these commands (the commands assume thast you selected the username upgrade when running the create sql user. )

  • GRANT READ,WRITE ON directory DATA_PUMP_DIR TO upgrade;
  • GRANT SELECT ON dba_registry_history TO upgrade;
  • GRANT SELECT ON dba_temp_free_space TO upgrade;

8. Once the grants have been successfully applied then in command prompt navigate to "Symantec\datalossprevention\Enforce Server\15.5\protect\migrator\URT and from there run the following command  java UpdateReadinessTool

9. Review the output once the command has been ran the output can be found in location "Symantec\datalossprevention\Enforce Server\15.5\protect\migrator\URT\output

10. Navigate to SingleTierServer "Symantec\datalossprevention\15.5\Protect\Migrator in cmd and then type SingleTierServerMigrationUtility , Once you start to run this process it can take a little while so go make a cup of tea or something!

11. Once the migration has finsihed open up the enforce console in you preffered browser – Chrome is not currently supported so Internet Explorer or Firefox should be used. Once you have go to the enforce console enter the login credentials you will now need to enter some details as per image below

12. Once you have entered in the details you will be logged into you Enforce Console you should go to system – Overview and check the version of your enforce.

Once you are able to verify that your Enforce is running on 15.5 you can continue to upgrade your detection servers.

I hope you find this document helpful and straight forward.


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