CLI Exit Codes
The ICT CLI is a useful way of automating the tagging of file. Unfortunately when developing for this tool, there is limited access to the output of the application. Sometimes all you can do is look at the console outputs to determine the success of ICT, I have collated some of the console outputs I have come across. This article serves to act as output documentation for ICT as there is currently nothing available online about how ICT will react when attempting to classify a file.
I will be updating this article whenever a new console output has been discovered.
This document assumes that you are running CMD as adminstator in the ICT CLI Directory, on my machine this directory is:
C:\Program Files\Symantec Corporation\Information Centric Tagging CLI>
Tagging new files
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 5 "C:\Users\alex.duffell\Desktop\Office Party Invite.docx"
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 11:07:44] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (5), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 11:07:44] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 11:07:46] Classify operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 11:07:47] File classified correctly
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 11:07:47] Finished operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 11:07:47] All operations concluded successfully!
Tagging with same tag
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 5 C:\Users\alex.duffell\Desktop\bacon.docx
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:47:09] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (5), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:47:09] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:47:10] Classify operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:47:11] The file 'bacon.docx' is already classified with the mark 'ACME-STANDARD-INT'. Proceeding to the next file.
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:47:11] All operations concluded successfully!
Tag doesnt exist
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 3 C:\Users\alex.duffell\Desktop\bacon.docx
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:18] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (3), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:18] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:19] Classify operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:19] Could not get selected mark from provided acronym! Make sure you provide a valid mark in the 'Company'-'Scope'-'Level' or ID (number) format!
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:19] Available marks are:
- ID: Company-Scope-Level
Tagging tagged file
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 4 C:\Users\alex.duffell\Desktop\bacon.docx
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:47] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (4), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:47] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:47] Classify operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:48] File classified correctly
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:48] Finished operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:48:48] All operations concluded successfully!
Tagging without folder permissions
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 4 testimage.png
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:50:35] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (4), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:50:35] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:50:36] Classify operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:50:37] File classified correctly
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:50:37] Finished operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-23 10:50:37] Error! One or more file operations have failed!
Tagging blank file
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 5 C:\Users\alex.duffell\Desktop\nufile.docx
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-24 09:17:35] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (5), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-24 09:17:35] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-24 09:17:36] Classify operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-24 09:17:36] File is empty and cannot be classified
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-24 09:17:36] Error! One or more file operations have failed!
Tagging without permissions
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 4 testimage.png
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-25 14:04:17] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (5), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1\r\n
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-25 14:04:17] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...\r\n
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-25 14:04:18] Classify operation\r\n
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-25 14:04:21] There was an error while Decrypting file 'MyPublicDoc.docx' (HR = 0x80020009)! Please check File permissions and correct Information Centric Tagging activation.\r\n
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-25 14:04:21] Finished operation\r\n
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-25 14:04:21] Error! One or more file operations have failed!\r\n
ICT User Not Activated
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-31 15:03:59] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (4), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-31 15:03:59] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-05-31 15:03:59] This product is not activated! The current user license does not allow you to use this feature.
No Office Products Installed
Information-Centric-Tagging-explorer-cmd.exe /e 5 "\\SERVER\FileShare\ICT_Testing\Document FR Test.docx"
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-06-12 09:33:18] Selected Options: VERBOSE=0, QUIET=0, CLASSIFY=1 (5), DECLASSIFY=0, OUTPATH=0 (), CLEAN=1
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-06-12 09:33:18] Obtaining configuration from Web-Service...
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-06-12 09:33:18] Classify operation
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-06-12 09:33:18] There are no Office applications installed on the system.
[Information Centric Tagging][2018-06-12 09:33:18] Error! One or more file operations have failed!