In this release, we've enhanced the functionality of Windows installation, multiple user creation, and other features.
New features in this releaseBetter visibility into user creation
When you create multiple users, the Multiple User Import Complete window now displays the number of users imported successfully as well as the number of import failures, if any.
Unified Windows installation
The Windows installation package now uses the same installer that is used for self-enrollment of Windows devices. This change paves the way for future client enhancements such user notifications and prompts.
Partner management
You can now authorize a Symantec partner to manage your SEP Cloud company account for you.
See Partner management overview
User provisioning improvements for partners
If your SEP Cloud account was provisioned through a partner marketplace, your partner can now create additional account administrators to ensure business continuity. The new account administrators can sign into SEP Cloud using the partner's SSO credentials.
Multi-product user accounts
You can now use the same email address to access multiple Symantec cloud products that you have administrator access to.