DLP incidents showing the date format as MM/DD/YY and you wish to change it to DD/MM/YY
By default DLP incidents date format shows as MM/DD/YY (08/29/17) and if you wish to change it to DD/MM/YY (29/08/17), follow the steps given below:
1) Login to the Enforce Server and navigate to \SymantecDLP\Protect\bin
2) Execute the LanguagePackUtility.exe with the argument as shown below:
LanguagePackUtility.exe -c "en_GB"
3) After the enforce service is restarted, go to “system” -> “Settings” -> “General” and click “configure” Then change the System Default Language to “English (United Kingdom) - English (United
4) Log off and log back in. Then incidents date format should be chnage to DD/MM/YY format
Cheers !!! :)