Note: The following is based on Symantec Data Loss Prevention v.14.6.01. Always backup your system before making any modifications.
Creating / Importing the New .Keystore, Certificate Signing Request and SSL Certificate
- On the Enforce server, backup entire contents of \SymantecDLP\Protect\tomcat\conf directory to a TEMP directory.
- On the Enforce server, open a Command Prompt with elevated privileges.
- Change current directory to \SymantecDLP\jre\bin\
- Delete any current .keystore file that may exist.
- From the command prompt, type this command: keytool –genkey –alias tomcat –keyalg RSA –keysize 2048 –keystore .keystore –validity 365 –storepass protect –dname “CN=<yourserverurl>, OU=<yourdepartment>, O=<yourcompany>, L=<yourcity>, ST=<yourstate>, C=<countrycode>” [PRESS ENTER]
- This should produce the .keystore file in the \SymantecDLP\jre\bin directory folder.
- From the same command prompt, type this command: keytool –certreq –alias tomcat –keyalg RSA –keystore .keystore –storepass protect –file “signingrequest.csr” [PRESS ENTER]
- This should produce the signingrequest.csr file. Send this file to your CA admin so they can generate the certificate file in PKCS#7 format. This is the format suitable for Tomcat. The file should have an extension of *.p7b.
- NOTE: If you plan on using Google Chrome v.58 or newer, you must include the extension SubjectAlternativeName when creating the certificate. Google Chrome deprecated the use of CN= and now relies on the extension. The CN= is needed though for IE. With both CN= and the extension SubjectAlternativeName, the certificate should work with both IE and Google Chrome. This is an example of the extension:
#8: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectAlternativeName [
DNSName: *
Also, if you are planning on using Google Chrome with DLP, you have to modify the file located in the \SymantecDLP\Protect\config directory folder. Look for the entry com.vontu.manager.unsupported_browser_autentication = false
And change it to true. Save the file. This will allow the usage of Google Chrome and Apple Safari browsers.
- When you receive the *p7b file, copy it to the |Symantec\DLP\jre\bin directory folder on the Enforce server.
- On the Enforce server, open a Command Prompt with elevated privileges.
- Change current directory to \SymantecDLP\jre\bin\
- From the command prompt, type this command: keytool –import –alias tomcat –keystore .keystore –trustcacerts –file <filename>.p7b [PRESS ENTER]
- From the SymantecDLP\jre\bin directory folder, copy the .keystore file to the \SymantecDLP\Protect\tomcat\conf directory folder.
- Stop ALL Vontu services.
- Start ALL Vontu services.
Verify authenticity and working order of the certificate by accessing the Enforce GUI via your browser application.