Hello DLP Users,
I wanted to share some information on how to get DLP to be installed with Oracle RAC.
Either with version Oracle 11g RAC or Oracle 12c RAC.
**** First of all Oracle RAC is NOT supported by Symantec and has NOT been certified or tested at all. So please make sure that you have a strong DBA with Oracle knowledge if you move forward with this at your own risk. ****
Keep in mind that if you have Oracle RAC, I assume you have a team of DBA's to help with the installation and configuration.
Also keep in mind that some of these steps will require you to circumvent the installation process in order for it to install correctly.
There are a couple different approaches that I have done when installing on Oracle RAC, and will outline them as to how this was done.
Oracle 11g RAC - Tried this DLP V11.x
- Install Oracle as outlined in the installation manual, make adjustments as necessary for Oracle RAC if needed. (Use the DBT File and user creation scripts)
- Connect to the DB and Run Sqlplus command “select * v$version;” and record the output for the instance name.
- Open Task Manager
- Start the installation program normally (Run as Admin)
- When it asks for the DB SID in the installer
- Point the Installer to the “select * v$version;” output for the instance name.
- It should then try to connect to the DB and it will take longer than it would if it failed.
- Open up the Task Manager and Kill the sqlplus process that the installer runs. - You may need to do try this more than once.
- Do NOT start the Vontu Services and change the jdbc.properties file (SymantecDLP\Protect\config. Comment out the connection line and update it with the Service Name style of string. Make sure to change the Host and Connect Data portion.
- jdbc.dbalias.oracle-thin=@(description=(address=(host=FQDN_DB_SERVER_NAME)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=service_name=DB_SERVICE_NAME)))
- Then reboot the server and it should come up and connect to the DB.
***** THIS WILL NOT WORK IN A MULTI-TENANCY ORACLE 12C SYSTEM (I tried this and it will just not work during the installation process) ********
Oracle 12c RAC - Tried this with DLP v14 (NOT VERIFIED)
This process requires you to copy a file and edit the contents, and then replace the file before the installer starts. This may even work for Oracle 11g
Install Oracle as outlined in the installation manual, make adjustments as necessary for Oracle RAC if needed. (Use the DBT File and user creation scripts)
- Start the installation program normally (Run as Admin)
- Go to the Users Directory that is running the Installer - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp
- Look for the most recent directory created or modified - This is the Temp installation directory created when you run the installer.
- Inside that directory look for the following file name "i4jparams.conf" (Note the Directory Name for later)
- Copy that file to your desktop
- Cancel the DLP Installation Program
- Edit and save the file using notepad and do a search and replace for the following "sid=$" replace with "service_name=$"
- Now start the DLP Installer again, and make sure to replace the NEW i4jparams.conf file into the directory where it is being extracted to. You will need to complete this before the first Symantec Splash screen comes up (During the Extracting process)
- Follow the installation process as normally, just fill in the SID with the service name that you would use to connect to the DB.
- Do NOT start the Vontu Services and change the jdbc.properties file (SymantecDLP\Protect\config. Comment out the connection line and update it with the Service Name style of string. Make sure to change the Host and Connect Data portion.
- jdbc.dbalias.oracle-thin=@(description=(address=(host=FQDN_DB_SERVER_NAME)(protocol=tcp)(port=1521))(connect_data=service_name=DB_SERVICE_NAME)))
- Then reboot the server and it should come up and connect to the DB.
Good Luck!!