IT Analytics introduces powerful ad-hoc reporting and business intelligence tools, and along with it a few terms that may be new to you. To alleviate any confusion, this article describes a few key terms so that you can easily understand out-of-the-box functionality and start using the tool to gain deeper insight into your endpoint protection data to make informed decisions.
Term | Definition |
Measure | Measures are the aggregate count, or how you quantify results when creating a pivot table view. These typically make up the columns in your report. Every view you create must contain at least one measure. (For example: Event Count) |
Dimension | Dimensions are a grouping of specific data types you are quantifying when you create a pivot table view. These typically make up the rows in your report, but dimensions can be used across columns or as filters. Every view you create must contain at least one dimension. If you have more than one dimension, you can drill in and out or change the order of dimensions to arrange the report the way you want it. Please see the Connect article for a list of all dimensions in IT Analytics. |
Attribute | An attribute is a sub-grouping of data types for a specific dimension. A dimension may have one or more attributes and these can be used like any other dimension. (For example: AntiVirus Policy - Description, AntiVirus Policy - Enabled, AntiVirus Policy - Name). Please see the Connect article for a list of all dimension attributes in IT Analytics. |
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) | Quantifiable measures that represent a critical success factor in an organization. The emphasis is on the action of quantifying something in the environment. The KPIs must be measurable to successfully be monitored and compared against a given objective. (For example: Number of Alerts in the Last 30 Days). Please see the Connect article for creating a key performance indicator in IT Analytics. |
Cube | Multidimensional data structures (as opposed to a relational database) that store precompiled information from the SEP Manager database(s). Cubes contain measures and dimensions that are arranged in a specific way for common reporting purposes. These are the underlying source for all reporting in IT Analytics and are stored in the Analysis Services of SQL Server. Please see the Connect article for a list of all cubes in IT Analytics. |
Report or Dashboard | Pre-developed reports that are hosted by the Reporting Services component of SQL Server. Several out-of-the-box reports and dashboards are available upon install and you have the flexibility to create your own through Report Builder. |
SQL Analysis Services | The free component of SQL Server that hosts and processes all cubes within IT Analytics. This component is required to install IT Analytics. Please see the Connect article for configuring Analysis Services and installing IT Analytics. |
SQL Reporting Services | The free component of SQL Server that hosts all reports and dashboards within IT Analytics. This component is required to install IT Analytics. Please see the Connect article for configuring Reporting Services and installing IT Analytics. |
Report Builder | Report Builder is a client-side application (developed by Microsoft and free with Reporting Services) that you can use to create and design reports. Using Report Builder, you can design reports that are based on your data from within IT Analytics, without having to understand the underlying schema or complex programming languages. Please see the Connect article on creating custom reports in Report Builder. |
Pivot Table | An arrangement of measures and dimensions from a specific cube in tabular form, with the goal of creating an ad-hoc report. Please see the Connect article on working with pivot tables in IT Analytics. |
Pivot Chart | An arrangement of measures and dimensions from a specific cube in chart format, with the goal of creating a visually informative report. Please see the Connect article on working with pivot tables in IT Analytics. |
Content Pack | A software component that bundles cubes, reports and dashboards specific to a particular Symantec solution suite. IT Analytics content packs are currently available for:
Parameter | Typically a dimension attribute used to filter data within an IT Analytics report or dashboard. This technique is used within Report Builder when creating reports. |
Processing Schedule | The given frequency that data will be purged and then recompiled within the IT Analytics cubes. Typically this is done once a day, but depending on environment, server resources and business requirements, this can be set to process more frequently. This schedule is set within the configuration page of IT Analytics, but the processing itself occurs within SQL Analysis Services. |
Symantec Management Platform | This application hosts the IT Analytics configuration and reporting interface. It is required to install IT Analytics. Please see the Connect article on installing the Symantec Management Platform. |
Symantec Installation Manager | This application allows you to download, install and update software hosted by the Symantec Management Platform, including IT Analytics. To install the Symantec Installation Manager, please download the IT Management Suite trialware from Symantec's trialware site. |