Current users of IT Analytics for Symantec Data Loss Prevention 2.0 can now upgrade their installation to the new 3.0 version recently released by Symantec and gain significant benefits in both reporting and performance. This article outlines the process of upgrading from IT Analytics for Symantec Data Loss Prevention version 2.0 to version 3.0 in a simple, step-by-step format.
Upgrade Checklist
Before you perform the upgrade in your environment, consider the following:
- This article assumes you will be upgrading on the same server. If you are moving to another server and installing IT Analytics for Symantec Data Loss Prevention 3.0 at the same time, consider the following article on migrating an IT Analytics installation.
- Ensure the version of the Symantec Management Platform you are running is at least 7.1 SP2. If it is a prior version, you will need to upgrade the Symantec Management Platform before upgrading IT Analytics.
- Perform a backup of the server hosting the Symantec Management Platform and IT Analytics Data Loss Prevention, using the backup tool of your choice.
- Perform a backup of the CMDB database and the IT Analytics database in SQL Analysis Services (if SQL is hosted off-box). For more information about how to back up the CMDB database, see the following knowledge base article.
- This article assumes you have administrator access to the Symantec Management Console.
- Record the following configuration settings in the Symantec Management Console, in the event you might require to configure similar settings after the upgrade:
DLP IT Analytics connection settings to Analysis Services and Reporting Services under: Settings > Notification Server > IT Analytics Settings > Configuration | |
Connection settings to the DLP database under: Settings > Notification Server > IT Analytics Settings > Connections > Symantec Data Loss Prevention | |
Processing schedules under: Settings > Notification Server > IT Analytics Settings > Processing |
CAUTION: When you initiate the upgrade of IT Analytics from 2.0 to 3.0, the existing cubes, and reports are uninstalled due to the change in schema between versions. The new out-of-the-box reports and cubes must be reinstalled once the upgrade has completed. If you have customized any of the out-of-the-box cubes and reports in version 2.0, you must reapply those changes after upgrading to the 3.0 version. Any net new reports or cubes that were created in the previous version are not affected by the upgrade, however because of schema changes with the new version, they may not work as expected. If you have not modified the existing cubes or reports and have not developed any new cubes or reports, there are no additional steps beyond what is listed below.
Starting the Upgrade Process
- Open the Symantec Installation Manager by clicking: Start > All Programs > Symantec > Symantec Installation Manager, and allow the application to load.
- On the Installed Products screen, should see at least one product available for upgrade.
NOTE: Clicking on 'Upgrading installed products' will allow you to upgrade to the latest version of IT Analytics for Symantec Data Loss prevention, however this may also include other product upgrades or Symantec Management Platform maintenance packs along with it. For the purposes of this article, we will use a method to upgrade only the IT Analytics for Symantec Data Loss Prevention version, as described below.
- Click on the Install New Products link at the top and on that screen, change the filter from Suites to Solutions.
- Scroll down the list, and check the Symantec IT Analytics Data Loss Prevention Pack 3.0, or simply search for 'analytics' in the upper right to do a quick find.
- Click Next.
- Optional - On the Optional Installations page, select the Language Packs for installation and then click Next.
- On the End User License Agreement page, verify that the correct products were selected, check 'I accept the terms in the license agreements,' and then click Next.
- Verify that your contact information has not changed and then click Next.
- On the Review Installation Details page, verify that Symantec IT Analytics Data Loss Prevention Pack 3.0 is listed.
- Click Begin install to start the download and installation process.
- If you are prompted to backup Notification Server cryptographic keys click Skip. This step is not necessary for upgrading to IT Analytics for Data Loss Prevention 3.0.
- Verify the Installation Complete screen is displayed and click Finish.
- On the resulting Installed Products screen, verify that the version for IT Analytics for Data Loss Prevention is now listed as 3.0.
Reinstalling Cubes and Reports
Once the upgrade completes, you need to reinstall the cubes and the reports that are included in IT Analytics for Data Loss Prevention version 3.0.
Reinstalling Cubes
- In the Symantec Management Console, on the Settings menu, click Notification Server > IT Analytics Settings.
- In the left pane, expand the Cubes folders.
- In the Cubes page, click the Available tab.
- Check all the cubes that you want to install. To install all of the available cubes, in the header row of the table, click Install.
- Click Save Changes.
- At the prompt, click OK to proceed with the installation.
- IT Analytics Event Viewer window displays the progress of each cube that was selected. Click Close when the process has completed.
- Verify that the cubes were successfully created by clicking the Installed tab, and then review the list of cubes.
Reinstalling Reports
- In the left pane, expand the Reports folders.
- In the Report Setup window, click the Available tab.
- Check all the reports that you want to install. To install all of the available reports, in the header row of the table, click Install.
- Click Save Changes.
- At the prompt, click OK to proceed with the installation.
- IT Analytics Event Viewer window displays the progress of each report that was selected. Click Close when the process has completed.
- Verify that the reports were successfully installed by clicking the Installed tab, and then review the list of reports.
Reconfiguring the Cube Processing Tasks
You can create and assign processing schedules for all installed cubes. Your business needs to dictate how often the cubes should be processed. For a typical configuration, all cubes should be processed daily. This task is essential for IT Analytics to function properly because the cubes do not contain any data until the cube processing is complete.
Note: If you had previously created cube processing tasks in the 2.0 version, those tasks should still be available after the upgrade, but because the cubes were uninstalled and reinstalled, you will have to reassociate the specific cubes with the apprpriate processing tasks. Also, keep in mind that the new Incident Status History Cube will have to be assigned to a processing task.
To reconfigure the cube processing tasks:
- In the Symantec Management Console, on the Settings menu, click Notification Server > IT Analytics Settings.
- In the left pane, expand the Processing folders. You should see that all cubes require processing.
- If only using the default processing task, select the schedule that you want and then check the Enabled box. Symantec recommends processing cubes no more than once a day, depending on the number of cubes and amount of data in your environment. If you are using previously configured processing tasks, check that the schedules are in line with expectations.
- Check the box for each available cube that you want to be processed on the current schedule. For a typical configuration select all cubes, however depending on the amount of data in your Oracle DLP database, you may need to create mulitple processing tasks for optimum performance.
- Click Save Changes and confirm that the processing task is saved.
- You can either wait until the scheduled processing time, or click Run Now. The selected processing tasks start asynchronously, which means that the task does not finish by the time that the page refreshes. This task can take several minutes to execute. The execution time depends on the number of the cubes that are selected and the size of data within the database. You can monitor its progress by viewing the events in the IT Analytics Event Viewer window while the manual processing task executes.
- After the processing trace has completed, click Close and you should notice that all of the cubes have now processed.
Verifying Your Upgrade
After cube processing completes, you can verify your upgrade and ensure that all of your configuration steps complete successfully.
To verify your upgrade:
- In the Symantec Management Console, on the Reports menu, click All Reports.
- In the left pane, under IT Analytics, expand the Cubes folder and then click on the new Incident Status History cube.
- From the pivot table field list, drag in Status Changes and Incident - Product Area to create a quick cube view and ensure you are getting data. This will indicate that both the upgrade and cube process completed successfully.
- In the left pane, under IT Analytics, expand the Reports folder and then click on the new DLP Remediation - Incident Search report. You should also see a much longer list of reports than was there previously. Once this report loads, it will indicate that the new reports from the upgrade were installed successfully.